Thursday, July 24, 2008

Caleb's first photo shoot

Caleb had his first photo shoot with Janelle yesterday. He was amazingly well behaved, except for the mid-shoot pee leakage and then the explosive poop at the end. Ah, infant photography! The pics came out great and I just had to share my favorites.

The Sweet Face

The Feet

The dirty diaper change

The Nuzzle

The scream

The Tongue

The Yawn

The Great Outdoors

The attempt to find his thumb

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The whole story

So, here is the story from Shellie's perspective....
I went into early labor tuesday evening (which was very manageable), took a shower at eleven (just in case this was the real thing), went to sleep at 11:30 pm and then woke up at 11:50 as my water was breaking and I was finally having a REAL contraction. We called the midwife right away as we were supposed to if my water broke and she told us that French Hospital was closed, they had filled up! We were told to check in to Sierra Vista Hospital. We were a bit hesitant about this since we heard that you have to share a room there and it is much more "hospital-like." I ended up with a great confidence about it and we headed down there. By the way, that afternoon I went in to see my midwife and I was already 5 cm dilated, 75% effaced and she could feel his head nice and low, so we knew we didn't have a ton of time before things started getting serious.
We arrived at the hospital and had to go through admitting, since we hadn't pre-registered there. Mental note, don't make that mistake again! I was standing there, in labor while they are asking for my stupid social security number and address! We made it to the room at about 1 am and the contractions were coming just about every other minute and they were very intense! I progressed quickly and by 4:15 am I was pushing. We had a solid hour and a half of that and then got to meet our Caleb, screaming as he was coming out! The midwife did a great job and I had no skin tears, yeah! He was very alert and was placed immediately on my tummy. He nursed within the first half hour and barely looked like a newborn! His skin was very pink and he was nice and plump. Matt cut the cord and we had our moment with our son. Matt was everything I expected him to be, wonderfully supportive, sensitive and just a great coach. Everyone was so impressed with him and I was very proud.
In the end, after a big poop, he was measured at 8 lbs. 9.5 oz, 21 inches and he got an Apgar score of 9:) He was 40 weeks, 6 days.

Caleb is now 1 week old and sleeping most of the time. He eats, sleeps, pees and poops and it is not a whole lot different than myself other than the fact that I feed as well. He is absolutely precious and Matt and I are crazy about him!
Thank you for all of your support and prayers. Email is the best way for me to communicate right now, so drop me a note if you like:)


Monday, July 21, 2008

This is the newest addition to our family baby Caleb Matthew. He was born at 5:45am July 16. Every thing went extremely well Shellie was in labor for about 6 hours and she did great. She said she didn't even feel any pain at all. Ha Ha just kidding. I am very proud of her for doing an all natural childbirth. Caleb is very happy and is feeding very well and we are just trying to get some rest