Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kristin's infant photo shoot

Troy, Kristin and Cayson Brown, Shellie's brother,sister-in-law and newphew came up to visit us when Caleb was just under 2 weeks old. Kristin is a professional photographer in San Diego and wanted to take some newborn shots of Caleb, which was wonderful for us! These are a few of the wonderful shots she took of our son and us:) Thank you Kristin!

This is my favorite! Papa and Caleb
Momma and CalebSleepy boy...
Bright Eyes
Our new family

There were a few accidents while trying to get this shot - Matt, you're my hero!

Bath time

Janelle was going to help me give Caleb a bath but got a bit distracted by how cute he was through the view finder of her camera:) Trust me, this is a VERY small sampling of the pictures she took:)

Thanks John for censoring this one!
AHHH.... My little boy!

dressed and ready to go!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Boy!

Almost laughing3 expressions in 3 moments....We LOVE this little boy!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

7 weeks!

Caleb is 7 weeks old today:) He is getting to be fun now. He gives us big, toothless smiles and lots of coos and gurgles:) He is sleeping really well at night, just waking for a bit of nourishment before dosing off again. He is growing like crazy - 23.5 inches now and about 11 lbs! He loves being held by anyone, and shows a bit of particularity for mom and dad:)


Daddy's arms
Standing practice-He loves to do this about once a day
Big smiles!
Changing time-we think he likes being naked, he is always so content and happy when we change him:)
In Grammi's arms....