Last weekend, we made another trip up to Shaver Lake, but this time it was with the whole family! Henry and Lorna came up, John and Janelle, and John's wonderful parents (who feel like family) Craig and Karen. Oh yeah, don't forget Ruddy and Addie! We had a great time hanging out and playing in the snow, but the best part for us was getting to go skiing and snowboarding! This is a real treat when you have a 7 1/2 month old. Henry and Lorna, Karen and Craig and Janelle watched Caleb for the morning while Matt, John and I hit the slopes! It was so fun to go so fast and be so reckless for a moment in time. I think Caleb had a great time with all his caregivers and came up to join us for lunch, at which time I ended my skiing and took over the watch. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
John and Janelle
Kay, this one looked like a terrible self-portrait, just funny