Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Favorite Pic

Caleb on his bench that he insisted on taking so many photos on. I forgot this classic in my last post.

upcoming post, pics of the new baby, in Shellie's belly of course:)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Camping at Cedar Grove

This last weekend we went on our first camping adventure to the mountains. We have not done this much on our own, we realized as I noticed that I had forgotten some key items and it was a lot more work than when you are in a group. Anyways, we had a lovely campsite in Cedar Grove (near the end of the 180 East), up the cliff from the mighty South Fork of the Kings River. Let me tell you, it was Mighty! We have never seen a river run that hard and be so scary. There is no doubt that if you found yourself in that river at any point, you would die very soon. Here is a picture.
Before we really got to camp, we stopped in Grant Grove to see the famous General Grant tree, the third largest in the world. We had a great time wandering through the forest and big holy trees. This is us in front of the General Grant.Caleb insisted on taking many pictures on this bench, with mom, dad, mom and dad, just Caleb....

Daddy and Caleb in a dead, downed tree, he loved going through it!
Caleb was very good for the car ride which made us very happy parents!
The view from Grant Grove to Cedar Grove.
After enjoying our sight-seeing morning and making camp we just kinda wandered around that , getting our bearings and trying desperately to get Caleb to take a nap. He finally did in the car and so we parked and looked at this view.

The next day we had decided to leave early for a hike since it was going to be so hot and I just don't do well in the heat. We took off for an easy, 2 mile, flat hike to Bubbs Creek:) but when we got there in just 40 minutes, we decided we couldn't stop. However, immediately upon heading up the next trail to Mist Falls, we hit a roadblock

What were we to do? We had just made the decision to keep going, so we made our way up and around, which we had to do for about 200 yards. Once we hit the trail out from under water we were good to go and made amazing time to our destination.along the waythe destination - Mist Fallsthe Rattlesnakeour hiking self-portrait, my favorite:)
and, a classicCongratulations if you made it this far, just wanted to be thorough:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Total Toddler!

I feel like we have been on the verge of Toddler-hood for a while now, kinda Toddler, but still a Baby for sure. Well, we feel like he is now mostly toddler and sometimes baby and here are the pictures to prove it. Yeah, I'm doing this the lazy way for now.

Check the link

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Couch!

I gave such a fuss about this couch that I thought I'd post pics of it! My Aunt Nancy gave us a generous house-warming present and it helped push me over the edge on this couch. Now, I found it at Costco and you know how it is at Costco, get it then, think about it later! But who can really do that on big-ticket items? Well, you should! It took me a full month to actually get this couch, after calling daily at 7:30 to inquire about it. I forgot one day and they had sold out by noon! One time I called at my normal time and the lady asked if I wanted to be put on the waiting list, the WHAT?!?! You are telling me there is a waiting list and I was not told about that? I asked, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't in place yet. ARGH! I finally called Santa Maria (about an hour away) at the right time and was able to run in there at opening time with my wonderful Mother-in-law who did the field trip with me. So, without, further adieu.... oh, and with a fantabulous picture that Janelle from (see her ad to the right on my blog).... the couch

And in all of its glorious, reclining glory....oh, so comfy!

Thanks Aunt Nancy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Snow trip and Farm Outing

We got to go on another trip to the snow for Janelle's birthday! It was the most perfect weekend for cross-country skiing, which is a recent favorite activity for both Matt and I, we especially like going with our instructors, John and Janelle! This time Lorna gathered up the courage to try it again and she did great! I had to include some pics of a perfect fall though:)
I took that one from the ground after I fell

You need to go through these next four quickly, like a flip book

Janelle, out skiing at 7 months
Grandpa and Caleb's snow boots
Janelle, SOOO excited about her birthday cake that she can't put down her knitting:)
Our failed attempt at a family photo, Grandpa was back at the cabin watching Caleb.
John and Janelle

It was so pretty at the lake and beyond that we decided to try a backpacking trip this summer, can't go another summer without getting out there! More details later:)
A precarious crossing of the creek
And our farm outing... Matt helped a friend by feeding his animals while he was gone. We went as a family and had quite a time. Starting with the cranky goose!
Cranky Dottie, DO NOT go near her!
Matt was told to "just let the sheep out of their pen." Well, they found a man gate to this field that was open with a few burros (granted you couldn't show it to them if their lives depended on it, but they found it!). Anyways, not trusting our dog, and unable to take the other cranky dogs off their ties, Matt had to herd them in all by himself, it was such a chore! I had to run after the burros a few time to keep them back in the field, what entertainment!
my favorite miniature donkey!! I kinda want to take him home, but what is one to do with a donkey? He would nuzzle up to Matt and give him donkey hugs when he was near, seriously, I don't think that is normal for donkeys!
Caleb helping dad with the alfalfa
Addie got a bit herdy and feisty with this burro, so it got feisty back and yelled so loud that it freaked out Caleb, who immediately started crying:(

But Dad saved him, so Caleb is now giving the burro the "stink-eye."After the sheep spactacle, we were late for church and Caleb was pretty sick, so we took a ride through the Atascadero hills. It's so pretty right now!
Just a few classics, Daddy and Caleb at lunch-time.

The nap that woudn't stop:)and if you made it this far, you deserve to see this handsome-devil in all his glory!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

All Caleb-18 months

So, yes, we are a bit obsessed with our son. But we love and adore him and think he is the greatest little boy ever! Please enjoy the pics of him just being him.

Loungin with Tia Camille. He totally did this himself.
His new toy! He uses them backwards and then runs into things! It really is hilarious

oh my goodness, there are oranges in my sucker!!

Oh, the joy of Fulwyler Oranges!!
This toy shines lights from the steering wheel. He figured out that if he lifted his shirt, he could see the lights on his tummy!
I think the joy on Matt's face is hilarious! (Don't worry folks, the breaker was off!) And Matt wants me to add that Caleb was taught proper safety procedures before handling wires.
Caleb's "ride-on" lawn mower, he was powering it with dead leaves, you can see a few between his legs
His favorite of all beanies! It is like a lovey for him. And yes, he still wears his perfectly good Christmas PJs:)
Sometimes Caleb has tough times, I know, it's a bit hard to imagine with all these smiles. Well, this time, I just gave him the box of crackers and let him at it. I walked around the corner and came back when it was just too quiet. This is what I found
trying on Dada's helmet

And ending with our ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!