Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our new camper!

So, Matt and I have been searching for a tent trailer ever since our last cabin camping trip last summer. I realized how much I enjoyed camping when it was made more accessible by the presence of cabinets full of plates, cups, silverware, salt, pepper, an inside stove, sinks, an indoor potty:) If you know me, you know that I definitely can enjoy the more rustic ways of life, however, with a family, I want some conveniences or else I'm going to end up working the entire trip, not relaxing, adventuring and enjoying myself. I also really wanted to be able to travel to places that don't have restrooms, picnic tables, etc., like Avila Beach, the most beautiful beach around here. My mom had just started searching for a new ultralight trailer to be able to travel to field trials with her dogs on her own. After about 7 months of independent searching, we finally decided to come together and purchase a trailer together that would meet all of our needs. This is what we ended up with. Our new co-owned camp trailer:) 
We have a very busy spring and summer ahead of us and springtime is just so pretty at the beach around here that we decided to take advantage of a few open weekends and head down to Avila for both of them. We stayed on the beach the first weekend, and then up on a hill overlooking the beach the second weekend. It is just so stinking beautiful there! We are totally hooked!
Henry and Lorna got a fifth wheel last year and have been enjoying theirs greatly over the last few years, so now we can join them and give the boys all their dreams in a single weekend, camping, beach, biking and best of all, Mimi and Poppy!

Cinnamon rolls brought back to camp in the morning
Mimi, Poppy and the boys at Avila Valley Barn

Learning about waves with Mimi
We would take both of them in the trailer until we got to the Bob Jones bike trail, then pull out the Caleb's bike from the back, set him up and then he'd peddle all the way to Avila Valley Barn, a good 2 miles each way

The first time all of us have been kayaking together! We paddled two times as a family on our second weekend. The first trip took us to a beach that Matt and I had visited while dating. I truly felt like we had done a full circle. I am so happy!

Our view the second weekend, up on the hill

Henry and Lorna, aka Mimi and Poppy

Caleb took a big fall on our last bike ride, he got a bit too confident I suppose. He took a hill and turn awfully fast and thankfully angels protected him as he hit this ice plant. His bike stopped up at the top and he continued over the handle bars down into that ravine under the bridge.

The ravine. He came out with just a few scratches on his face. Matt and I were both a bit traumatized, Caleb cried a minute, then got back on his bike and we finished the ride.
We look forward to A LOT of camping as a family in our future. The boys really got the hang of the camping thing by the second weekend, sleeping in until 7/8 am:)