Thursday, December 26, 2013

Generational Blessings

I was sitting with Caleb at lunch today, he's five. We were by ourselves, Josiah was napping and Matt was at work. He asked me what I thought he would be when he grew up. I told him the appropriate thing, he is good at so many things, he can be anything he wants. He also doesn't need to decide until he gets older. He looked at me thoughtfully and said, "I think I will be a Dad." As in, that's it, just a Dad, that's all one needs to be. He then goes on to explain that he is learning so many things in school right now that will help him be a good dad. Also, he knows how to build a chicken house since he watched Daddy and Poppy build one. He said, "when I get to be a Dad and I want to build a chicken house, I will just call up Daddy and he will help me."

I absolutely love that he knows that being a dad does not end when your children are adults, nor does being a son end when one has children of their own. He has seen with his own eyes what a healthy father/son relationship is from watching his dad and grandpa. I love that Matt is a good father, I love that he has a good father and has learned so many things from his "Pa/Old Man/Dad."

Sometimes a lot of attention is drawn to "Generational Sin." I want to draw attention to Generational Blessings. When one generation follows after the Lord with all their heart, leaning on their heavenly Father, lives are blessed, not just for that generation, but for many to follow. I remember watching Henry, my father-in-law at my first meeting with them. As I was busy making an awesome first impression by burping loudly at dinner, Henry was treating Lorna kindly, being a generous host to me and topped it off by doing all the dishes. This was all so foreign to me and I knew right then that Matt had been raised by a good man. I continued on with my relationship with Matt knowing with all my heart that he would be a great father. Praise the Lord for his wisdom as I did marry an amazing man and father! Praise the Lord for his Generational Blessings