Friday, April 11, 2014

Evelyn is 3 months

Ah, she is so adored...a 3 month old little bundle of adorable! I think she is a little easier to just enjoy as she is our third. We just go along with the flow with her and appreciate every moment we have with her. She coos and gurgles and does whole-body smiles that knock her backwards. She sucks on her fingers and falls asleep wherever she is if she is tired enough. She loves it when her brothers, Caleb especially lays down and talks to her. They completely obsess about her. They wish she was always awake and say good-night to her reluctantly for EVERY SINGLE NAP! We have finally figured out some nursing challenges, that was a pretty big deal around here, and we are so much more at peace now. She wakes up once or twice a night, eats, sometimes talks a bit and then peacefully goes back to sleep. Okay, let's get to some photos.
Grandma and her babies

Grandpa and the babe

oh, the boys LOVE tummy time, they think she is so very strong!

He's an amazing big brother!!

First shots

Caleb's expression when getting to look at his sister.

I turn my head for a second and they've put a bow on her!

Just hanging out, gotta love the helplessness of this age

Poppy and his Evie

3 month photo shoot

She fell asleep on the changing pad and I missed it!

LOVE - LOVE- LOVE!!!!! Morning time today:)