Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 2

We saw several deer, a buck, butterflies, an older lady that shouldn't continue on. Long Meadow and Sunrise was gorgeous, as was coming down Cathedral Pass. Today was a bit easier, physically and mentally. It helped that the terrain was completely gorgeous! It makes it very enjoyable. Janelle got some altitude sickness and had a hard time. We took a nice long break past Long Meadow. Matt carried Janelle's pack down Cathedral Pass. Matt didn't sleep last night or the night before, so we are praying for peaceful, deep sleep. We camped tonight at Upper Cathedral Lake. We played Farkel, ate dinner and did some laundry.

1 comment:

Ryan and Camille said...

Can't wait to join you guys!! I'm looking forward to the stories you will surely have by the time we meet up with you both!
Love you lots and can't wait to hike!
Camille and Ryan