Thursday, March 27, 2008

Boating Venice

We just left Venice and I believe it will always hold a special place in our hearts. It is touristy yes, especially when one goes on a holiday for all Europeans, Easter Monday, but it is still Venice! We got in later than expected Sunday evening because of snow in Zurich where we had a bit of a layover. Our challenge was to get from the airport to the train station by bus and then pick up the water bus to take us to our stop, and then find our hotel amidst the winding streets and canals of Venice. Needless to say, we found it, but what an adventure! We woke up bright and early in the morning and went on a walk through St. Marks Piazza without any other tourists, it was wonderful! We will show you a pic of it. Then we went back to sleep:) We hit the streets again after our rest and picked up some tickets for the water bus and museums-we still get a bit of a break cause we are kids:) We went through a museum and then wandered a bit more till we got too tired and rested again-well call it jet-lag. Dinner was great, but challenging to figure out Italian, mainly because Matt forgot the language book, thankfully however we received the only english-speaking server! After a mad rush to find some good gelato and/or something else sweet-sadly we failed-it was too late-lame! The next day we found a grocery store that was INCREDIBLY small! You cannot imagine how much they tried to stuff in that store, along with carts and many people, it was a claustrophobic nightmare! We took a water bus to an island named Murano that afternoon with a million other people, which eventually gave me a bit of a panic attack, but thankfully not until we hit some land and I could get off. Im not sure if it is being pregnant but I seem to be prone to waves of nausea when squished tightly against other people lately, imagine that! Other than that, the bebe is doing fantastic! Anyways, Murano was delightful. We got panini sandwiches and gelato and shopped, it was great. They make beautiful glass on Murano, which we got to see them making, that was really neat-a safety hazard I believe as they let us walk right up to the workers with their hot pieces of glass. Yesterday was busy as we visited the Doges Palace (the palace of the "Kings" of Venice back in the day when Venice was an international business hotspot), St. Marks Bascilica, went shopping, hit the bus and came to Bled, Slovenia. We awoke to a gorgeous breakfast, which made us very happy. It is currently raining, so hopefully we will still be able to get out and about today. Sorry, there are no apostrophes on this keyboard, but there are some fun extras like č,ć, š, đ and ž! Well give you another post whenever possible, thanks for reading!


John and Janelle said...

YAYYYYY! your blog is up!! looks like FUN!!! thanks for updating us--i can't wait to see all the pics! we're still prayin' for ya!

Michelle, Danny, Micah, Matthew said...

Hello Fellow Mommy!
I love the part of the blog about who you are. Being adventurous before you have responsibilities =). Good for you! We have been thinking and praying for you guys! See you in Atascadero! THanks for sharing your blog...I will email you Micah's blog =).

Julie Hubert said...

Venice is Zack's favorite place in Italy and definitely in my top 3. It's absolutely magical and like nothing else in the world. I'm so excited for you to be there together.

Henry and Lorna said...

Hi There!! wow, it looks like you're having a great time! the pics are the next best thing to being there :) ! We're doing fine with the puppy and she's doing fine with us! (missing you guys, of course)love to you and talk to you soon!
Love, mom

John and Janelle said...

has anyone tried to get grabby with shellie's belly yet? ;)

Henry and Lorna said...

hi again, addie got her bath tonight. she got a little wet at your house when we were watering. tried to bite the stream of water. then she started to smell like a wet dog... go figure! smelling better now. janelle took a great picture of her on easter. you'll get a kick out of it when you see it. she's been a delight. later, mom

Craig and Karen said...

Buon giorno. ciao. tutto bene? Exciting to hear of your experiences as you go. Have fun!

mattd said...

Hey you two...sounds like you are having an wonderful time....enjoy all of the naps, site seeing and good food while you can! we are missing you here. God bless you and keep you! Matt