Monday, April 7, 2008

a challenge....

so, just want to put a challenge out there for you. there is a picture of a sign and then a vague picture underneath, if you can figure out what the sign says, you may be able to find something in the lower pic. what is it? Then I want some real guesses as to how we got the pictures of the wolf and bear, get creative. We got home late tonight, so i will put more details on the blog tomorrow. give me some good stories:)


Anonymous said...

OK, so the sign says "Don't climb on the rocks dumba**". Then, the pic underneath shows the blood and guts of the dumba** who actually climbed on the rocks. If you look closely, you can see the entrails entrailing themselves down the grassy hill. Be ye warned!

janesyts said... did you touch the froggy?
as for the bear & the wolf... john thinks you went to the zoo. and i like mom's guess on your last post. however, it could be that you went for an innocent day-hike and stumbled upon both, fleeing for your lives with wild fright in your eyes (looking back momentarily to snap their pictures). but that's not really likely, is it.

janesyts said...

oh by the way, it's mom & dad's anniversary. happy anniversary mom & dad!

Henry and Lorna said...

OK--the Challenge:
the pics of the wolf and bear come after the tram ride but before the ski jump. so--at the visitor center of the tram station there is an exhibit and these were STUFFED animals showing some of the local wild animals with a "Please Do not Feed the Wild Life" sign. (In Austrian, Spanish, French, and English, of course!). :)
love, mom

mattd said...

Okay I think I got it...the sign says "don't lick the frogs" and since your pregnant you had Matt do it...then he lost all depth perception and found himself too close to the wild life where he accidentally snapped the shots of the critters...has Matt recovered or is he now wanting to regularly play leap frog?

Michelle, Danny, Micah, Matthew said...

So I am catching up on your blog! Since moving...we have been a bit busy! Excited that you are back. So this is not the place to leave a normal comment...but I wanted to read other people's ideas. I dont have much of a creative bone in my body....So I am going with you took picture of pictures of the wildlife. I hope you didn't get that close with the baby =)!

ps. You dont look huge at all!! The baby looks great!

Ryan and Camille said...

Well, I happen to know that the molestare part means, "don't bother them/it." "The Rans" is actually similar to the spanish word rana, which means frog. Therefore, there is a giant frog that lives in this forest and has been known to be the cause of several deaths, including the death of the grizzly bear (pictured) and the cause of many a fleeing wolf (also pictured). You guys saw it in a remote forest where you were trespassing on the grounds of a enchanted kingdom. You were there on a tour of "hansel and gretel's last walk" in the woods. Bad, bad girl (and boy...and boy) Im glad you made it back alive!...Or did you...? You better call me soon!