Thursday, April 10, 2008

coming home to sweet America!

We are starting our journey home today at 3 pm. We are flying into Venice and then will hopefully run into town for one last wandering-fest. We catch our flight home Friday morning. We'll arrive in LAX at 4:30 and have dinner with Megan, maybe crash at her place and then head home. There are a few things we are looking forward to in the states, here they are
1. A real grocery store
2. going into a store/restaurant and being understood
3. not being considered "a tourist."
4. not looking like "a tourist."
5. being with people we know and love
6. the dollar! this euro is killing us!

A few things we will miss
1. taking really cool pictures of really cool things
2. sleeping in till 8 or 9 every morning, then turning over to Matt and saying "what should we do today?"
3. waking up because the tram is going by, the construction workers are singing in the building across from us and our housemates are doing the dishes ridiculously loudly-oh wait, i think i put this in the wrong list.
4. GELATO! going from place to place, trying to find the best!
5. the best Gnocchi I have ever tasted! and probably ever will! oh, it was in gorgonzola cream sauce too!
6. the freedom to do what we want when we want.

I have been homesick though and am really looking forward to coming home. I'm gonna be in "nesting mode" as i have just 12 weeks to go:) Keep checking this blog next week as I will put pictures up of Rome and videos from the whole trip.
Matt and Shellie


Shann said...

Have a safe trip home! Call me when you can, I would love to catch up! Miss you!

Henry and Lorna said...

dear ones, may God set His angels before and behind you to whisk you all the way home safely! (and your luggage arriving with you, too. :) )
Am looking so forward to seeing you. Love, Mom
p.s. Addie does not seem too fond of facial hair -- she grrrrowled at a man today as I was leaving work with her. oops! Maybe she knew something we didn't :)
She has been a delightful companion these three weeks.
see you soon!
pps-Frontline applied!

Henry and Lorna said...

ppps--bear and wolf at the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck, at the foot of the Nordkette Mountain Range with the Weiherburg castle at its entrance??

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a good time!...and good gnocchi! I'm praying for you RIGHT NOW that your travels are smooth as butta. See you soon, big hug :)

bobob said...

Looks like my Aunt guessed the bear/wolf challenge? I first thought 'taxidermy?' -- but they looked to alive.

On the sign? I cheated with babblefish, and guess the sign is saying 'Don't annoy the frogs' ??

It's great you two were able to do this before baby came along. Fact is, your little bug is already a world traveller!

Home by now?

bobob said...
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