Saturday, December 13, 2008

Five Months Old!

Caleb is on the cusp of some great things right rolling over to his tummy (which we have seen the result of, but not the act itself), sitting up, and getting onto his hands and knees. He is reaching and grabbing well now, so we have decided to get him his own high chair so we can all sit peacefully at the dinner table:) The booster chair in the picture below should work well in a month or so, he seems to be listing a bit in it now though:) He still super talkative, always making noise and we love it! We are all looking forward to Christmas with him, however I am sure the lights on the Christmas tree will steal the show for him. Have a Merry Christmas!
In his new jumper! He LOVES the yellow flower!

Caleb LOVES Addie! He reaches for her and just fixes her gaze on her whenever she is around. She is being very patient with him tugging on her hair whenever she gets in arms reach, this is good!The Sesnaks got us this backpack for Caleb. We tried it on a few weeks ago and it worked perfectly! We are looking forward to this summer, maybe we can get out:) He grabbed onto the handle and hung on while Matt walked around with him.
FEET! They are SOOOOO tasty!
Momma and Caleb!
Our favorite toothless smile!
Hanging out in his stroller

Grammi and Caleb


John and Janelle said...

what a handsome little man! he's growing up so fast :) can't wait to take more pics of him!!!

Michelle, Danny, Micah, Matthew said...

Wow! 5 months! He looks good in his chair :).

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing these photos with us. I love seeing him change. Looking forward to seeing him in person soon.

Sweet Baker Babes said...

Oh, what a cutie! Isnt he coming into such a fun age?!

Linda Thomson said...

What a special Christmas we had visiting all of you up there. We loved seeing you and holding and hugging your sweet one. Such a beautiful gift from God, it just keeps getting better and better (even the "two's" and the "teenage years") You are going to love it all. Hugs, Aunt Linda