Saturday, January 31, 2009

Caleb and friends

So aparently Caleb is now old enough to notice and interact a bit with other babies. This is kind of fun to see him discover other babies the same way he discovers new objects..usually by grabbing and putting them in his mouth. There is a great example of this down the blog a bit. This picture was taken at our Mommy group. The two other babies are Brandon (Bekah and Darrin Beady's boy - the one with the great expresssion!) and Micky (Lauren and Cory Raferty's boy). They kept taking toys away from eachother and every so often one would tip over, attempt to crawl, freak out cause they can't crawl yet and then get propped back up by mom again:)

Hang out time in the park with Ethan (Janel and Rick Armet's boy). This is what I was talking about.
Trying to put in mouth (Darn it! He won't fit!)
Goin in! (Janel and I plan to use this as blackmail in the future - it should work we think)
He wanted my camera so badly that I just took advantage of the situation and took a self-portrait
I asked the pediatrician last week if he could eat some dirt yet and he said it was fine. So when Caleb picked up a dirty leaf, I just grabbed my camera
His first dirty boy face!
Thanks for lookin!


Sweet Baker Babes said...

SSSOOO Cute! I love the grabbing pictures! And nice that you are letting him be a true, dirty little boy!

John and Janelle said...

Oh man! He's too darn adorable! Just wait till he experiences snow for the first time :)

Katy said...

Definitely keep that picture for blackmail. =)