Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Moving forward and upward!

I haven't blogged in a while and I'm gonna blame it on Caleb. He is now moving, ALOT! So, we are now at that stage when parents say, "Just wait till he's crawling!" Well, he is and has been for about three weeks now. He now is mostly self-entertained by things like toilets, crescent wrenches, dog crates, refridgerators, anything electric, etc, etc.... It is a dangerous time to say the least! (for all of you out there who will tell me to baby-proof the house, well it is, don't worry!) It is also just so fun watching his little brain try to understand things, figure out how to get where he wants to go and how to play, especially with Addie. I finally uploaded some pictures and the whole time, I'm just "oh my goodness(ing)" every picture. He really is such a joy and I love sharing that with all who look at this blog.

Here is is climbing over and in
An, "oh my goodness pic"
every so often, you MUST have some naked time outside!
An action shot with Matt and Dan playing some ping-pong, the sport of choice in the summer. Down below is his girlfriend Liz hanging with Caleb.
I thought the expressions here were priceless
Dan and Caleb

Caleb was mesmerized by Addie's "lick-it." When you touch the bottom piece, it allows water to go through. I have to say that Caleb figured this out much faster than Addie!
Addie isn't this biggest problem-solver. So she is the recipient of Caleb's ability to open doors for her. Too bad he closes them on her too.
Oh, the refrigerator....
He figured out a new way to crawl when the surface hurts his knees. He figured this out as I was running inside to grab him some pants. Apparently he didn't need them.
Don't forget, Caleb is being dedicated on the 19th at 9 am at our church!

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