Random Fun PicturesHe LOVES it when DaDa comes home for lunch, Matt is like a superhero!
He is SOOO close to walking! I think he is not confident enough, which makes me happy. He is great at pushing anything though. The object does not even have to have wheels, it however makes it much easier. He was pushing his stroller in circles the other day and I am so glad that I was able to capture his delighted expression!
Water day at church
He is sucking out of a water bladder that we use for hiking. He is way beyond his months!
De-stuffing the Kleenex box, gotta give mom something to do!
Caleb loves our pots and pans so much that he tried to join them in their drawer!
San Diego trip to see family
Madyson and I Madyson loves her cousin Caleb!
Cute Braydon! He is such a delightful little boy - ALL BOY!
Beautiful Madyson!
So bummed that I didn't get any pics of CaysonTroy and Matt doing a CrossFit workout in Troy's street. They did this, tossed that other wheel between the two of them, did squats with kettleballs and then sprinted with sandbags! My baby beat all of the guys! I'm so proud of him!
14 years ago
it's great! we laughed outloud!worth the wait. love the total look of delight on calebs face playing with the faucet
ma& pa
Thanks for the update. We love the pics! Love U Peter and A Harriet
Hooray! This blog post is about as long as some of mine :) I LOVE the pic of Bubbs at the water spicket :) and so fun to see pics of you guys too! Do we get Mt. Whitney pics next??
xoxoxox love you guys!
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