Thursday, June 20, 2013

Camping Yosemite

Yosemite came up unexpectedly for us this spring. The Fulwylers had been planning to go for months and  told us that we were welcome to try to get reservation for the same weekend:) Reservations for Yosemite go very early, about 7 months ahead of time, and we just can never plan that far in advance, one never knows what life might hold. Well, they keep a whole loop blocked off until the last minute in the spring, just in case it floods. So we checked, and checked and called, and checked and one afternoon, they were open! We snagged up a spot and so did the Fulwylers and so did our parents. We all got spots fairly close to eachother over Mothers Day weekend and we were so excited!
Here is Josiah and Hannah in the bike trailer. They can finally get along a bit:) Praise the Lord!
 John, Janelle, Hannah and Norah:)
 The boys with Mimi and Poppy
 Norah...eating again!!! She is always eating! and if she's not eating, she's screaming because she wants food, or she's just being adorable.
 We all brought our bikes and biked all over the valley. It was a refreshing way to travel through that busy place. It was so much faster and I feel like we really got to be a part of such a wonderful location.
 The family in front of Lower Yosemite Falls
 I was itching for an awesome, solid, kick your rear type of hike. So we begged Henry and Lorna to watch the boys one morning while we ran up a mountain. We went to the top of Upper Yosemite Falls and it was awesome! I love my husband and I love hiking with him. I love that he's my best friend and he gets me and loves me so much:)
 Hannah and Norah - these girls are so awesome!
 Grabbing water in the safety of Poppy's arms.
 Sleepy afternoon.
 Norah grabbing water too:)
 Mimi was always very popular!
 Caleb made a new friend in John's brother, Paul. He gave him a shoulder ride when we were just over it.
 Love family self-portraits, it's gonna get pretty crowded soon:)


Linda Thomson said...

Wow, that is some picture of all of you in front of the falls!!! The boys ar getting so big, thanks for sharing!!!!

Christian and Jenny said...

Is this an announcement??!!

Linda Thomson said...


John and Janelle said...

That was subtle :) Woohoo! Love these pics, Shellie, thanks for posting!

Rogers Camp said...

So, I am guessing from Janelle's comment that this IS an announcement! Congratulations!!!

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing your pics and your announcement. We are so very excited and thrilled for you!