Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Caleb's dream

I was just going through some of Caleb's homeschool work for the year (we are nearly done!). I came upon one of his Creative Writing assignments and I thought you all would enjoy a good read:)

A True Story dictated by Caleb Sytsma, written by Mom
"Last night I had a dream there were many holes in the ocean, lots of rock holes and they had arrows on them to show if submarines could fit through them. Then there wasn't an arrow on one but Grandma, Josiah and I wanted to check if we could fit. The submarine could not fit and ran out of gas. Then Daddy came in a tow-truck submarine and they had more fuel, so they gave the fuel to us, but it all ran out again. Then a hover-craft came and towed our submarine. It could only go ten miles, but we needed to go twenty. Good thing there was a gas station to refuel the hover-craft! We went the rest of the ten miles, but right when it was at our driveway, it ran out of gas again! We gave it gas from out of our car. Then we went down and unhooked our submarine from the hovercraft. Daddy took our car to the gas station to get re-fueled. Grandma then came and she drove the tow-truck submarine to the gas station and so did the hovercraft pilot. Then everyone went back home. The End"

1 comment:

Henry and Lorna said...

oh, I enjoyed that so much!! hehehe. what an imagination! where do dreams come from, anyway?!!