Thursday, August 21, 2014


It has been a week. I helped whelp 9 puppies for 12 hours on friday, we tried to revive two of them and succeeded with one, 8 survived. Spent part of the day on Saturday visiting them and trying to help my mom. Sunday, we literally cut itty-bitty tails off of itt-bitty puppies and pulled their dewclaws out, gluing and trying to stop bleeding at every turn. Evelyn started crawling this week. On Tuesday I went to Orientation for Caleb's school. I went to all the tables, waited in a bunch of lines, met Caleb's very sweet teacher, realized I forgot paperwork at home, took Caleb back to Harriet and Peter's, nursed Evelyn and got myself back to said orientation to finish everything up. I came back and took a dip with my kids in a beautiful pool, it was great. Wednesday was dramatic, trying to calm storms with friends and my future with homeschool vs. traditional school. I've put myself in the middle, not quite full-time homeschool, yet not really in "school," it's weird. It's Thursday now. River pulled too many feathers out of an escaped chicken - AGAIN! I go out there and this poor chicken is totally alive, with mortal injuries. Like the chicken is flying! But it truly can't survive it's condition, so I have to kill it. SO, SO lame! Meanwhile, Evelyn is crawling around my house, eating all sorts of things off my floor. Thank goodness Mom came over to help in my moment of crisis. I didn't even want to talk, killing an animal, even for good reasons is super lame - if I didn't make that clear before. Evelyn cut her first tooth this week, seriously?! She actually slept better this week than ever before, thank goodness! My floor is covered with homeschool curriculum for Caleb and Josiah. I have to schedule out our year since no one made a schedule for me, why didn't someone do that for me?! I'm planning on starting Josiah in Pre-K, but I'm pulling out all of these books that I used for Caleb and I just don't know if he's up to it yet, he's still a baby!

ok, dinner is due in half an hour and I have no idea what to make. WOW, I just don't even know what to think of my life right now. It is so full and everything is so good, but man it's full! And full of exclamation marks:) Things can't be too bad?!

Wish I could post a photo, but I lost the battery cover and now my camera doesn't work. Ordered a new cover yesterday so we can get some shots of our baby learning to crawl.


Henry and Lorna said...

oh man! i'm wore out just reading this. i need a nap. henry

John and Janelle said...

seriously, what a week! praying for you right now.